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    Luettelo kognitiivis-analyyttistä psykoterapiaa ja sen tutkimusta käsittelevästä kirjallisuudesta.

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    Yleisesityksiä kognitiivis-analyyttisesta psykoterapiasta

    • The International CAT journal   promotes a relational understanding of psychotherapy and the wider context of mental health treatment and care. It draws upon the ideas and methods of the Cognitive Analytic approach to understanding and alleviating psychological and social distress for individuals, groups and systems. We are delighted to offer, freely available to everyone, all five volumes of this peer reviewed journal either as full PDFs or as individual PDFs for each article of each respective journal
    • Brummer, L. & Cavieres, M. & Tan, R. (ED) (2024) The Oxford Handbook of COGNITIVE ANLYTIC THERAPY. Oxford University Press.
    • CAT Papers 1 ja 2 (1999). Artikkelivalikoima kognitiivis-analyyttisen psykoterapian keskeisistä teksteistä 1970-1990-luvuilta. sihteeri(at)katyhdistys.fi
    • Dunn, M. (2009). A cognitive analytic formulation. In P. Sturmey (Ed.) Clinical case formulation. Varieties of approaches (ss. 199-211). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
    • Hepple J. & Sutton,L.(2004). Cognitive analytic therapy and later Life. East Sussex: Brunner-Routledge.
    • Leiman, M. (2001). Kognitiivis-analyyttinen näkökulma. Teoksessa S. Kähkönen, I. Karila, N. Holmberg (toim.). Kognitiivinen psykoterapia. Duodecim. Jyväskylä: Gummerus. ss. 374-387.
    • Leiman,M. (2008). Kognitiivis-analyyttinen näkökulma. Teoksessa S. Kähkönen, I. Karila, N. Holmberg (toim.).  3.uudistettu painos. Kognitiivinen psykoterapia. Duodecim. ss. 495-509.
    • Pollock P., Gopfert , M. & Stowell-Smith. M. (2006) Cognitive analytic therapy for offenders. Brunner-Routledge.
    • Quraishi, M. (2009). CAT effectiveness. A summary. Reformulation. Theory and practice in cognitive analytic therapy. Issue 32. Summer 2009. ss. 36-38.
    • Ryle, A. (1975). Frames and cages. A Repertory grid approach to human understanding. Sussex University Press.
    • Ryle, A. (1982). Psychotherapy:  A cognitive integration of theory and practice. London: Academic Press.
    • Ryle, A. (1990). Cognitive-analytic therapy: Active participation in change. A new integration in brief psychotherapy. John Wiley & Sons, London.
    • Ryle, A. (1995). Cognitive analytic Therapy. Developments in theory and practice. John Wiley & Sons, London.
    • Ryle, A. (1997). Cognitive analytic therapy and borderline personality disorder. John Wiley & Sons, London.
    • Ryle, A. (2005). Cognitive analytic therapy. In J. Norcross & M. Goldfried (Ed.) Handbook of psychotherapy integration. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ss.196-217.
    • Ryle. A. & Bennink-Bolt, F. (2002).  Cognitive analytic therapy: a Vygotskian development of object relations theory. In  I. S.Nolan & P.Nolan (Eds.). Object relations & integrative psychotherapy. Tradition & innovation in theory and practice. London: Whurr Publishers.
    • Ryle, A. & Kerr, I. (2002). Introducing cognitive analytic psychotherapy. Principles and practice. John Wiley & Sons, London.
    • Ryle, A. & Parry, G. (1997). Case formulation in cognitive analytic therapy. In T.D.Eells (Ed.) Handbook of psychotherapy case formulation. New York: The Guilford Press. ss. 289-313.
    • Sutton, L. & Leiman, M. (2004). The development of the dialogic self in CAT: a fresh perspective on ageing. In J. Hepple & L.Sutton (Eds.). Cognitive analytic therapy and later life.  Hove: Brunner &Routledge.

    Teoreettisia tutkimuksia ja teoriakehittelyä

    • Leiman, M. (2024) Semioitic object relations yheory(SORT) as the basic CAT theory.  Teoksessa Brummer, L. & Cavieres, M. & Tan, R. (ED) (2024) The Oxford Handbook of COGNITIVE ANLYTIC THERAPY. Oxford University Press.
    • Leiman, M. (1992). The concept of sign in the work of Vygotsky, Winnicott and Bakhtin: Further integration of object relations theory and activity theory. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 65, 209-221
    • Leiman, M. (1994). Projective identification as early joint action sequences: A Vygotskian addendum to the Procedural Sequence Object Relations Model. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 67, 97-106.
    • Leiman, M. (1997). Procedures as dialogical sequences: A revised version of the fundamental concept in Cognitive Analytic Therapy. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 70, 193-207.
    • Leiman, M. (2002). Toward semiotic dialogism: The role of sign-mediation in the dialogical self. Theory & Psychology, 12, 221-235.
    • Leiman, M. (2004): Dialogical Sequence Analysis. In: Hermans, H.J.M. & Dimaggio,  (Eds.).The dialogical self in psychotherapy. Brunner-Routledge, ss. 255-269.
    • Ryle, A. (1975). Self-to-self, self-to-other: The world’s shortest account of object relations theory. New Psychiatry, April,12-13.
    • Ryle, A. (1978). A common language for the psychotherapies. British Journal of Psychiatry, 132, 585-594.
    • Ryle, A. (1985). Cognitive theory, object relations and the self. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 58.
    • Ryle, A. (1991). Object relations theory and activity theory: A proposed link by way of the procedural sequence model. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 64, 307-316.
    • Ryle, A. (1994). Projective identification: A particular form of reciprocal role procedures. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 67, 107-114.)

    Kontrolloituja ryhmävertailuja

    • Chanen, A., Jackson, H., McCutcheon, L., Dudgeon, P., Jovev, M., Yuen, H., Weinstein, C., McDougall, E., Clarkson, V., Germano, D., Nistico, H. & McGorry, P. (2006) A randomised controlled trial of psychotherapy for early intervention for borderline personality disorder. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 18:319.
    • Chanen, A., Jackson, H., McCutcheon, L., Joveh, M., Dudgeon, P., Pan Yen, H. et al. (2008). Early intervention for adolescents with borderline personality disorder using cognitive analytic therapy; randomised controlled trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 193, 477-484.
    • Chanen, A., Jackson, H., McCutcheon, L., Joveh, M., Dudgeon, P., Pan Yen, H. et al. (2009). Early intervention for adolescents with borderline personality disorder: Quasi-experimental comparison with treatment as usual. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, 43:397-408
    • Chanen, A., McCutcheon, L.,  Germano, D., Nistico, H., Jackson, H., & McGorry, P. (2009). The HYPE clinic: An early intervention for borderline personality disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 15, 163-172.
    • Clarke, S. & James, D. (submitted). Randomized trial of the effectiveness on cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) for the treatment of personality disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry. Research presentation in ICATA 4th Conference, September 15-17 , Cracow, Poland.
    • Dunn, M., Golynkina, K., Ryle, A. & Watson, J. (1997). A repeat audit of the Cognitive Analytic Therapy Clinic at Guy´s Hospital. The Psychiatrist, 21, 165-168.
    • Fosbury, J. (1996) Psychological treatment (CAT) with poorly controlled diabetic patients. Practical Diabetes International 13: 140–68.
    • Fosbury, J., Bosley, C., Ryle, A., Sonksen, P. & Judd, S. (1997). A trial of cognitive analytic therapy in poorly controlled type 1 diabetes patients. Diabetes Care, 20, 959-964.
    • Treasure, J., Todd, G., Brolly, M., Tiller, J., Nehmed, A. & Denman, F. (1995). A pilot study of a randomised trial of cognitive analytic therapy vs educational behavioural therapy for anorexia nervosa. Behavioural Research and Therapy, 33, 363-367.

    Muita vertailututkimuksia

    • Bell, L. (1996). Cognitive analytic therapy: its value in the treatment of people with eating disorders. Clinical Psychology Forum, 92, 5-10.
    • Brockman, B., Poynton, A., Ryle, A. & Watson, J. (1987). Effectiveness of time-limited therapy carried out by trainees. British Journal of Psychiatry,9,135-150.
    • Mariott, M. & Kellett, S. (2009). Evaluating cognitive analytic therapy service; practice-based outcomes  and comparisons with person-centred and cognitive-behavioural therapies. Psychology and Psychotherapy:Theory,Research and Practice,Volume 82,Number 1, 57-72(16).

    Naturalistisia seurantatutkimuksia

    • Dunn, M.,Golynkina,K .,Ryle, A. & Watson J. (1997) A repeat audit of Cognitive Analytic Clinic at Guy’s Hospital. Psychiatric Bulletin 21, 165-168.
    • Duignan & Mitzman (1994). Change in patients receiving time-limited cognitive analytic group therapy. International Journal of Short-term Psychotherapy,9,1151-1160.
    • Garyfallos, G., Adamopolou, A., Karastergiou, A., Voikli, M., Zlatanos, D. & Tsifida, S. (1998). Evaluation of cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) outcome in Greek psychiatric outpatients. The European Journal of Psychiatry,12,167-179.
    • Ryle, A. & Golynkina, K. (2000). Effectiveness of time-limited cognitive analytic therapy of borderline personality disorder: Factors associated with outcome. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 73,197-210.

    Tutkimuksia muutoksesta ja prosessista kognitiivis-analyyttisessa terapiassa

    • Birchnell,J.,Denman, C. & Okhai,F.(2004) Cognitive analytic therapy: Comparing two measures of improvement.  Psychology & Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice. Dec2004, Vol. 77 Issue 4, p479-492.
    • Kellett, S. (2005).The treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder with cognitive analytic therapy: Experimental evidence of sudden gains. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 6(3), 55-81.
    • Kellett, S. (2007). A time series evaluation of the treatment of histrionic personality disorder with cognitive analytic therapy. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 80, 389-405.
    • Kerr, I. (2001). Brief cognitive analytic therapy for post-acute manic psychosis on a psychiatric intensive care unit. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy,8,117-129.
    • Ryle, A. (1979a). The Focus in brief interpretive psychotherapy: Dilemmas, traps, and snags as target problems. British Journal of Psychiatry, 134, 46-54.
    • Ryle, A. (1979b). Defining goals and assessing change in brief psychotherapy: A pilot study using target ratings and the dyad grid. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 52, 223-233.
    • Ryle, A. & Beard, H. (1993).The integrative effect of reformulation: Cognitive analytic therapy with a patient with borderline personality disorder. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 66, 249-258.
    • Sheard,T., Evans, J., Cash, D., Hicks, J., King, A., Morgan, N. et al.(2000). A CAT-derived one to three session intervention for repeated deliberate self-harm; A description of the model and initial experience of trainee psychiatrists in using it. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 73, 179-196.

    Tutkimuksia kognitiivis-analyyttisessa psykoterapiassa sovelletuista menetelmistä

    • Bennett, D. & Parry, G. (2004). A measure of psychotherapeutic competence derived from Cognitive Analytic therapy. Psychotherapy Research, 14 (2),176-192.
    • Bennett, D., Parry, G. & Ryle, A. (2006). Resolving threats to the therapeutic alliance in cognitive analytic therapy of borderline personality disorder: A Task Analysis. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 79, 395-418.
    • Daly, A., Llewelyn, S., McDougall, E. & Chanen, A. (2010). Rupture resolution in cognitive analytic therapy for adolescents with borderline personality disorder. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice (2010), 83, 273–288.
    • Hamill, M., Reid, M. & Reynolds, S. (2008). Letters in cognitive analytic therapy: The patient’s experience. Psychotherapy Research 18(5): 573-583.
    • Pollock, P., Broadbent, M., Clarke, S., Dorrian, A. & Ryle, A. (2001). The personality structure questionnaire (PSQ): A measure of the multiple self-states model of identity disturbance in cognitive analytic therapy. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 8, 59-67.
    • Leiman,M (2012). Dialogical sequence analysis in studying therapeutic discourse. International Journal for Dialogical Science, 6(1), 123-147. http://ijds.lemoyne.edu/journal/6_1/index.html
    • Leiman, M. & Stiles, W. (2001). Dialogical sequence analysis and the zone of proximal development as conceptual enhancements to the assimilation model: The case of Jan revisited. Psychotherapy Research 11(3), 311-330.
    • Shine,L. & Westacott,M.(2010) Reformulation in cognitive analytic therapy: Effects on the working alliance and the client’s perspective on change.  Psychology & Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice. Jun2010, Vol. 83 Issue 2, p161-177.
    • Stiles, W., Leiman, M., Shapiro, D., Hardy, G., Barkham, M., Detert, N, & Llewelyn, S. (2006). What does the first exchange tell? Dialogical sequence analysis and assimilation in very brief therapy. Psychotherapy Research, 16, 408-421.

    Muita ajankohtaisia artikkeleita

    • Fozooni,B.(2010). Cognitive analytic therapy: A sympathetic critique. Psychotherapy and Politics International, 8(2), 128-145.
    • Hamill,M.& Mahony,K.(2011).’The long goodbye’: Cognitive analytic therapy with carers of people with dementia. British Journal of Psychotherapy,27(3),292-304.
    • Leiman,M.(2011). Mikhail Bakhtin’s contribution to psychotherapy research. Culture and Psychology, 17(4),441-461.
    • Marsh,R. & Low,J. (2006) God as other, God as self, God as beyond: A cognitive analytic perspective on the relationship with God. Psychology & Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice. Jun2006, Vol. 79 Issue 2, 237-255.
    • Marx,R.(2011). Relational supervision: drawing on cognitive analytic frameworks. Psychology and  Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice,84 (4)  pages 406–424,
    • Sutton,L.(2003). When late life brings a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and an early life brought trauma. A cognitive-analytic understanding of loss of mind. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 10, 156-163.

    Suomessa ja kansainvälisesti raportoituja tutkimuksia, julkaisuja ja esityksiä kognitiivis-analyyttisen psykoterapian, KAT -hahmotustavan sekä siihen pohjaavien menetelmien (esim. DSA) sovellutuksista suomalaisessa terveydenhoitojärjestelmässä

    • Hakkarainen, P. (2011). CAT in forensic setting. Paper in a workshop in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Jääskeläinen, A. (2011). CAT perspective on psycho educational group for depression. Poster in  International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Kajanne, A. (2011). Patient’s drawings as illuminators and mediators of change in the psychotherapy process- Paper in a workshop in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentation
    • Leiman,M.(2011) CAT as integrative therapy. 4th International CAT Conference, September 15-17, 2011, At Kraków, Poland. http://www.researchgate.net/publication/215774517_CAT_as_integrative_psychotherapy
    • Lahti-Nuuttila, P. (2011).Dialoginen sekvenssianalyysi (DSA) päiväsairaalapotilaan muutoksen arvioinnissa. Lisensiaatintyö, psykologia, Helsingin yliopisto, 2011
    • Majapuro, J. (2011).Parallel process in CAT supervision. Poster in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Makkonen, R. (2003). Isänsä poika – hankalien kokemusten assimiloituminen kognitiivis-analyyttisen psykoterapian kuluessa. Lisensiaatintyö, psykologia, Joensuun yliopisto,  www.finkat.net tai Psykoterapia-lehti 2004.
    • Nyberg, J. (2011). Introduction to CAT perspective for the youth workers in a group home for adolescents. Poster in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Rankanen, M. (2011) Integrating visual art in CAT – art making and reflecting images as sign mediated dialogical activity. Paper in a workshop in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Savolainen, J. (2011). Changes in observer position during short-term cognitive analytic group. Poster in  International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Savolainen, J. S. (2017). Yksilölliset kohdeongelmat ja muutos lyhytpsykoterapiassa: Dialoginen sekvenssianalyysi muutoksen arvioinnissa. Pro gradu. Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto, Sosiaalitieteiden laitos. https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/178553
    • Tikkanen, S. (2011). Using case formulation by DSA in analysing parent development-a case description. Paper in a workshop in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Tikkanen, S., Stiles, W, & Leiman, M. (2011).Parent development in clinical child neurological assessment process: Encounters with the assimilation model. Psychotherapy Research, 20(5), 593-607
    • Uusitalo-Arola, L. (2011).A longer CAT- Therapy in three acts. Paper in a plenary in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Uusitalo-Arola, L. (2003). Kun työ haastaa koko elämän. Selviytymisvalmiuksien dialoginen arviointi. Psykologia 4/2004, ss.272-283.

    Tutkimuksia, selvityksiä ja esityksiä suomalaisesta KAT -koulutuksesta:

    • Ehrling, L. (2011). On becoming a CAT-therapist – a retrospective evaluation of CAT-training. Paper in a workshop in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland.
    • http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Eränen, L., Heinonen, S., Tikkanen, S. & Villman, T. (2006).The development and the current status of CAT in Finland 2nd  International CAT Conference Maynooth, Ireland, June 15 –17, 2006
    • Kanninen, K., Uusitalo-Arola, L., työryhmässä Tikkanen, S., Wikman, A-S., Tevilä, S  & Leiman, M. (2011): Kognitiivis-analyyttinen psykoterapeuttikoulutus. Taustaa, periaatteita ja käytäntöjä. Kognitiivis-analyyttisen psykoterapiayhdistyksen tilaama raportti.
    • Tikkanen, S. (2010). CAT training in Finland. Presentation in ICATA Executive Meeting Krakow 30.9.-2.10.2010.
    • Tikkanen, S. (2011). On becoming a CAT therapist – Developing reflections during CAT training 2007-2010 in Finland. Paper in a workshop in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. On becoming a CAT therapist – Developing reflections during CAT training 2007-2010 in Finland.
    • Uusitalo-Arola, L. (2008). Mistä on hyvät terapeutit tehty. KAT-terapeuttiuden taustavalmiudet ja niiden arviointi. Kognitiivis-analyyttisen psykoterapiayhdistyksen tilaama raportti.
    • Uusitalo-Arola, L. (2010).What are the good therapists made of? Developing the selection assessment of Finnish CAT therapy students Presentation in ICATA Executive Meeting in Krakow, 30.9.-2.10.2010