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    Luettelo kognitiivis-analyyttistä psykoterapiaa ja sen tutkimusta käsittelevästä kirjallisuudesta.

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    Yleisesityksiä kognitiivis-analyyttisesta psykoterapiasta

    • Brummer, L. & Cavieres, M. & Tan, R. (ED) (2024) The Oxford Handbook of COGNITIVE ANLYTIC THERAPY. Oxford University Press.
    • CAT Papers 1 ja 2 (1999). Artikkelivalikoima kognitiivis-analyyttisen psykoterapian keskeisistä teksteistä 1970-1990-luvuilta. sihteeri(at)katyhdistys.fi
    • Dunn, M. (2009). A cognitive analytic formulation. In P. Sturmey (Ed.) Clinical case formulation. Varieties of approaches (ss. 199-211). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
    • Hepple J. & Sutton,L.(2004). Cognitive analytic therapy and later Life. East Sussex: Brunner-Routledge.
    • Leiman, M. (2001). Kognitiivis-analyyttinen näkökulma. Teoksessa S. Kähkönen, I. Karila, N. Holmberg (toim.). Kognitiivinen psykoterapia. Duodecim. Jyväskylä: Gummerus. ss. 374-387.
    • Leiman,M. (2008). Kognitiivis-analyyttinen näkökulma. Teoksessa S. Kähkönen, I. Karila, N. Holmberg (toim.).  3.uudistettu painos. Kognitiivinen psykoterapia. Duodecim. ss. 495-509.
    • Pollock P., Gopfert , M. & Stowell-Smith. M. (2006) Cognitive analytic therapy for offenders. Brunner-Routledge.
    • Quraishi, M. (2009). CAT effectiveness. A summary. Reformulation. Theory and practice in cognitive analytic therapy. Issue 32. Summer 2009. ss. 36-38.
    • Ryle, A. (1975). Frames and cages. A Repertory grid approach to human understanding. Sussex University Press.
    • Ryle, A. (1982). Psychotherapy:  A cognitive integration of theory and practice. London: Academic Press.
    • Ryle, A. (1990). Cognitive-analytic therapy: Active participation in change. A new integration in brief psychotherapy. John Wiley & Sons, London.
    • Ryle, A. (1995). Cognitive analytic Therapy. Developments in theory and practice. John Wiley & Sons, London.
    • Ryle, A. (1997). Cognitive analytic therapy and borderline personality disorder. John Wiley & Sons, London.
    • Ryle, A. (2005). Cognitive analytic therapy. In J. Norcross & M. Goldfried (Ed.) Handbook of psychotherapy integration. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ss.196-217.
    • Ryle. A. & Bennink-Bolt, F. (2002).  Cognitive analytic therapy: a Vygotskian development of object relations theory. In  I. S.Nolan & P.Nolan (Eds.). Object relations & integrative psychotherapy. Tradition & innovation in theory and practice. London: Whurr Publishers.
    • Ryle, A. & Kerr, I. (2002). Introducing cognitive analytic psychotherapy. Principles and practice. John Wiley & Sons, London.
    • Ryle, A. & Parry, G. (1997). Case formulation in cognitive analytic therapy. In T.D.Eells (Ed.) Handbook of psychotherapy case formulation. New York: The Guilford Press. ss. 289-313.
    • Sutton, L. & Leiman, M. (2004). The development of the dialogic self in CAT: a fresh perspective on ageing. In J. Hepple & L.Sutton (Eds.). Cognitive analytic therapy and later life.  Hove: Brunner &Routledge.

    Teoreettisia tutkimuksia ja teoriakehittelyä

    • Leiman, M. (2024) Semioitic object relations yheory(SORT) as the basic CAT theory.  Teoksessa Brummer, L. & Cavieres, M. & Tan, R. (ED) (2024) The Oxford Handbook of COGNITIVE ANLYTIC THERAPY. Oxford University Press.
    • Leiman, M. (1992). The concept of sign in the work of Vygotsky, Winnicott and Bakhtin: Further integration of object relations theory and activity theory. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 65, 209-221
    • Leiman, M. (1994). Projective identification as early joint action sequences: A Vygotskian addendum to the Procedural Sequence Object Relations Model. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 67, 97-106.
    • Leiman, M. (1997). Procedures as dialogical sequences: A revised version of the fundamental concept in Cognitive Analytic Therapy. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 70, 193-207.
    • Leiman, M. (2002). Toward semiotic dialogism: The role of sign-mediation in the dialogical self. Theory & Psychology, 12, 221-235.
    • Leiman, M. (2004): Dialogical Sequence Analysis. In: Hermans, H.J.M. & Dimaggio,  (Eds.).The dialogical self in psychotherapy. Brunner-Routledge, ss. 255-269.
    • Ryle, A. (1975). Self-to-self, self-to-other: The world’s shortest account of object relations theory. New Psychiatry, April,12-13.
    • Ryle, A. (1978). A common language for the psychotherapies. British Journal of Psychiatry, 132, 585-594.
    • Ryle, A. (1985). Cognitive theory, object relations and the self. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 58.
    • Ryle, A. (1991). Object relations theory and activity theory: A proposed link by way of the procedural sequence model. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 64, 307-316.
    • Ryle, A. (1994). Projective identification: A particular form of reciprocal role procedures. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 67, 107-114.)

    Kontrolloituja ryhmävertailuja

    • Chanen, A., Jackson, H., McCutcheon, L., Dudgeon, P., Jovev, M., Yuen, H., Weinstein, C., McDougall, E., Clarkson, V., Germano, D., Nistico, H. & McGorry, P. (2006) A randomised controlled trial of psychotherapy for early intervention for borderline personality disorder. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 18:319.
    • Chanen, A., Jackson, H., McCutcheon, L., Joveh, M., Dudgeon, P., Pan Yen, H. et al. (2008). Early intervention for adolescents with borderline personality disorder using cognitive analytic therapy; randomised controlled trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 193, 477-484.
    • Chanen, A., Jackson, H., McCutcheon, L., Joveh, M., Dudgeon, P., Pan Yen, H. et al. (2009). Early intervention for adolescents with borderline personality disorder: Quasi-experimental comparison with treatment as usual. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, 43:397-408
    • Chanen, A., McCutcheon, L.,  Germano, D., Nistico, H., Jackson, H., & McGorry, P. (2009). The HYPE clinic: An early intervention for borderline personality disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 15, 163-172.
    • Clarke, S. & James, D. (submitted). Randomized trial of the effectiveness on cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) for the treatment of personality disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry. Research presentation in ICATA 4th Conference, September 15-17 , Cracow, Poland.
    • Dunn, M., Golynkina, K., Ryle, A. & Watson, J. (1997). A repeat audit of the Cognitive Analytic Therapy Clinic at Guy´s Hospital. The Psychiatrist, 21, 165-168.
    • Fosbury, J. (1996) Psychological treatment (CAT) with poorly controlled diabetic patients. Practical Diabetes International 13: 140–68.
    • Fosbury, J., Bosley, C., Ryle, A., Sonksen, P. & Judd, S. (1997). A trial of cognitive analytic therapy in poorly controlled type 1 diabetes patients. Diabetes Care, 20, 959-964.
    • Treasure, J., Todd, G., Brolly, M., Tiller, J., Nehmed, A. & Denman, F. (1995). A pilot study of a randomised trial of cognitive analytic therapy vs educational behavioural therapy for anorexia nervosa. Behavioural Research and Therapy, 33, 363-367.

    Muita vertailututkimuksia

    • Bell, L. (1996). Cognitive analytic therapy: its value in the treatment of people with eating disorders. Clinical Psychology Forum, 92, 5-10.
    • Brockman, B., Poynton, A., Ryle, A. & Watson, J. (1987). Effectiveness of time-limited therapy carried out by trainees. British Journal of Psychiatry,9,135-150.
    • Mariott, M. & Kellett, S. (2009). Evaluating cognitive analytic therapy service; practice-based outcomes  and comparisons with person-centred and cognitive-behavioural therapies. Psychology and Psychotherapy:Theory,Research and Practice,Volume 82,Number 1, 57-72(16).

    Naturalistisia seurantatutkimuksia

    • Dunn, M.,Golynkina,K .,Ryle, A. & Watson J. (1997) A repeat audit of Cognitive Analytic Clinic at Guy’s Hospital. Psychiatric Bulletin 21, 165-168.
    • Duignan & Mitzman (1994). Change in patients receiving time-limited cognitive analytic group therapy. International Journal of Short-term Psychotherapy,9,1151-1160.
    • Garyfallos, G., Adamopolou, A., Karastergiou, A., Voikli, M., Zlatanos, D. & Tsifida, S. (1998). Evaluation of cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) outcome in Greek psychiatric outpatients. The European Journal of Psychiatry,12,167-179.
    • Ryle, A. & Golynkina, K. (2000). Effectiveness of time-limited cognitive analytic therapy of borderline personality disorder: Factors associated with outcome. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 73,197-210.

    Tutkimuksia muutoksesta ja prosessista kognitiivis-analyyttisessa terapiassa

    • Birchnell,J.,Denman, C. & Okhai,F.(2004) Cognitive analytic therapy: Comparing two measures of improvement.  Psychology & Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice. Dec2004, Vol. 77 Issue 4, p479-492.
    • Kellett, S. (2005).The treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder with cognitive analytic therapy: Experimental evidence of sudden gains. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 6(3), 55-81.
    • Kellett, S. (2007). A time series evaluation of the treatment of histrionic personality disorder with cognitive analytic therapy. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 80, 389-405.
    • Kerr, I. (2001). Brief cognitive analytic therapy for post-acute manic psychosis on a psychiatric intensive care unit. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy,8,117-129.
    • Ryle, A. (1979a). The Focus in brief interpretive psychotherapy: Dilemmas, traps, and snags as target problems. British Journal of Psychiatry, 134, 46-54.
    • Ryle, A. (1979b). Defining goals and assessing change in brief psychotherapy: A pilot study using target ratings and the dyad grid. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 52, 223-233.
    • Ryle, A. & Beard, H. (1993).The integrative effect of reformulation: Cognitive analytic therapy with a patient with borderline personality disorder. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 66, 249-258.
    • Sheard,T., Evans, J., Cash, D., Hicks, J., King, A., Morgan, N. et al.(2000). A CAT-derived one to three session intervention for repeated deliberate self-harm; A description of the model and initial experience of trainee psychiatrists in using it. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 73, 179-196.

    Tutkimuksia kognitiivis-analyyttisessa psykoterapiassa sovelletuista menetelmistä

    • Bennett, D. & Parry, G. (2004). A measure of psychotherapeutic competence derived from Cognitive Analytic therapy. Psychotherapy Research, 14 (2),176-192.
    • Bennett, D., Parry, G. & Ryle, A. (2006). Resolving threats to the therapeutic alliance in cognitive analytic therapy of borderline personality disorder: A Task Analysis. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 79, 395-418.
    • Daly, A., Llewelyn, S., McDougall, E. & Chanen, A. (2010). Rupture resolution in cognitive analytic therapy for adolescents with borderline personality disorder. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice (2010), 83, 273–288.
    • Hamill, M., Reid, M. & Reynolds, S. (2008). Letters in cognitive analytic therapy: The patient’s experience. Psychotherapy Research 18(5): 573-583.
    • Pollock, P., Broadbent, M., Clarke, S., Dorrian, A. & Ryle, A. (2001). The personality structure questionnaire (PSQ): A measure of the multiple self-states model of identity disturbance in cognitive analytic therapy. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 8, 59-67.
    • Leiman,M (2012). Dialogical sequence analysis in studying therapeutic discourse. International Journal for Dialogical Science, 6(1), 123-147. http://ijds.lemoyne.edu/journal/6_1/index.html
    • Leiman, M. & Stiles, W. (2001). Dialogical sequence analysis and the zone of proximal development as conceptual enhancements to the assimilation model: The case of Jan revisited. Psychotherapy Research 11(3), 311-330.
    • Shine,L. & Westacott,M.(2010) Reformulation in cognitive analytic therapy: Effects on the working alliance and the client’s perspective on change.  Psychology & Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice. Jun2010, Vol. 83 Issue 2, p161-177.
    • Stiles, W., Leiman, M., Shapiro, D., Hardy, G., Barkham, M., Detert, N, & Llewelyn, S. (2006). What does the first exchange tell? Dialogical sequence analysis and assimilation in very brief therapy. Psychotherapy Research, 16, 408-421.

    Muita ajankohtaisia artikkeleita

    • Fozooni,B.(2010). Cognitive analytic therapy: A sympathetic critique. Psychotherapy and Politics International, 8(2), 128-145.
    • Hamill,M.& Mahony,K.(2011).’The long goodbye’: Cognitive analytic therapy with carers of people with dementia. British Journal of Psychotherapy,27(3),292-304.
    • Leiman,M.(2011). Mikhail Bakhtin’s contribution to psychotherapy research. Culture and Psychology, 17(4),441-461.
    • Marsh,R. & Low,J. (2006) God as other, God as self, God as beyond: A cognitive analytic perspective on the relationship with God. Psychology & Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice. Jun2006, Vol. 79 Issue 2, 237-255.
    • Marx,R.(2011). Relational supervision: drawing on cognitive analytic frameworks. Psychology and  Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice,84 (4)  pages 406–424,
    • Sutton,L.(2003). When late life brings a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and an early life brought trauma. A cognitive-analytic understanding of loss of mind. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 10, 156-163.

    Suomessa ja kansainvälisesti raportoituja tutkimuksia, julkaisuja ja esityksiä kognitiivis-analyyttisen psykoterapian, KAT -hahmotustavan sekä siihen pohjaavien menetelmien (esim. DSA) sovellutuksista suomalaisessa terveydenhoitojärjestelmässä

    • Hakkarainen, P. (2011). CAT in forensic setting. Paper in a workshop in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Jääskeläinen, A. (2011). CAT perspective on psycho educational group for depression. Poster in  International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Kajanne, A. (2011). Patient’s drawings as illuminators and mediators of change in the psychotherapy process- Paper in a workshop in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentation
    • Leiman,M.(2011) CAT as integrative therapy. 4th International CAT Conference, September 15-17, 2011, At Kraków, Poland. http://www.researchgate.net/publication/215774517_CAT_as_integrative_psychotherapy
    • Lahti-Nuuttila, P. (2011).Dialoginen sekvenssianalyysi (DSA) päiväsairaalapotilaan muutoksen arvioinnissa. Lisensiaatintyö, psykologia, Helsingin yliopisto, 2011
    • Majapuro, J. (2011).Parallel process in CAT supervision. Poster in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Makkonen, R. (2003). Isänsä poika – hankalien kokemusten assimiloituminen kognitiivis-analyyttisen psykoterapian kuluessa. Lisensiaatintyö, psykologia, Joensuun yliopisto,  www.finkat.net tai Psykoterapia-lehti 2004.
    • Nyberg, J. (2011). Introduction to CAT perspective for the youth workers in a group home for adolescents. Poster in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Rankanen, M. (2011) Integrating visual art in CAT – art making and reflecting images as sign mediated dialogical activity. Paper in a workshop in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Savolainen, J. (2011). Changes in observer position during short-term cognitive analytic group. Poster in  International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Savolainen, J. S. (2017). Yksilölliset kohdeongelmat ja muutos lyhytpsykoterapiassa: Dialoginen sekvenssianalyysi muutoksen arvioinnissa. Pro gradu. Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto, Sosiaalitieteiden laitos. https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/178553
    • Tikkanen, S. (2011). Using case formulation by DSA in analysing parent development-a case description. Paper in a workshop in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Tikkanen, S., Stiles, W, & Leiman, M. (2011).Parent development in clinical child neurological assessment process: Encounters with the assimilation model. Psychotherapy Research, 20(5), 593-607
    • Uusitalo-Arola, L. (2011).A longer CAT- Therapy in three acts. Paper in a plenary in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Uusitalo-Arola, L. (2003). Kun työ haastaa koko elämän. Selviytymisvalmiuksien dialoginen arviointi. Psykologia 4/2004, ss.272-283.

    Tutkimuksia, selvityksiä ja esityksiä suomalaisesta KAT -koulutuksesta:

    • Ehrling, L. (2011). On becoming a CAT-therapist – a retrospective evaluation of CAT-training. Paper in a workshop in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland.
    • http://www.internationalcat.org/index.php?p=1_15_Cracow-2011-Conference-Presentations
    • Eränen, L., Heinonen, S., Tikkanen, S. & Villman, T. (2006).The development and the current status of CAT in Finland 2nd  International CAT Conference Maynooth, Ireland, June 15 –17, 2006
    • Kanninen, K., Uusitalo-Arola, L., työryhmässä Tikkanen, S., Wikman, A-S., Tevilä, S  & Leiman, M. (2011): Kognitiivis-analyyttinen psykoterapeuttikoulutus. Taustaa, periaatteita ja käytäntöjä. Kognitiivis-analyyttisen psykoterapiayhdistyksen tilaama raportti.
    • Tikkanen, S. (2010). CAT training in Finland. Presentation in ICATA Executive Meeting Krakow 30.9.-2.10.2010.
    • Tikkanen, S. (2011). On becoming a CAT therapist – Developing reflections during CAT training 2007-2010 in Finland. Paper in a workshop in International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association 4th International conference for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 15th – 17th September 2011 Cracow, Poland. On becoming a CAT therapist – Developing reflections during CAT training 2007-2010 in Finland.
    • Uusitalo-Arola, L. (2008). Mistä on hyvät terapeutit tehty. KAT-terapeuttiuden taustavalmiudet ja niiden arviointi. Kognitiivis-analyyttisen psykoterapiayhdistyksen tilaama raportti.
    • Uusitalo-Arola, L. (2010).What are the good therapists made of? Developing the selection assessment of Finnish CAT therapy students Presentation in ICATA Executive Meeting in Krakow, 30.9.-2.10.2010